I am something of a knife nerd. For some reason, unknown to me, knives and saucepans both excite me! At the moment I have a great chef's knife, which is almost a reason in itself to cook, but that doesn't stop me getting unduly excited over the Misen knife.
It ran a successful kickstarter campaign and is now in production, and promises scientifically engineered quality at a decent price, and with endorsements from The Foodlab, what more could you want!
Even if you missed the kickstarter campaign you can still order via their site - they have also since extended into a whole range of saucepans, so between that and Foodlab's recommendation, it basically ticks all my boxes! However, here's the bad news.. its mostly US focussed, and it's not entirely clear how easy (or costly) it would be to get them imported into the UK - I'm holding out for a distributor in the UK to pick up their products rather than gamble with import duty and shipping fees (which would likely push it from an affordable to un-affordable pretty quick)